Exploring Helm List Command

Exploring Helm List Command


Helm, the package manager for Kubernetes, provides powerful features for managing applications using Helm charts. The helm list command is a fundamental tool for listing and managing deployed releases on Kubernetes clusters. In this article, we'll explore the helm list command, providing a detailed guide along with a practical example to demonstrate how to use helm list effectively for managing deployed releases.

  1. Understanding helm list Command: The helm list command is used to list all deployed releases on a Kubernetes cluster. It provides valuable information about deployed releases, including their names, status, versions, and timestamps.

  2. Listing Deployed Releases: Let's list all deployed releases on the Kubernetes cluster using the helm list command.


     $ helm list


     NAME            NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART                   APP VERSION
     my-release      default         1               2022-01-24 10:00:00.000000000 +0000 UTC deployed        nginx-1.0.0             1.16.0
    • The output displays detailed information about deployed releases:

      • NAME: Name of the release.

      • NAMESPACE: Namespace where the release is deployed.

      • REVISION: Revision number of the release.

      • UPDATED: Timestamp of the last update.

      • STATUS: Deployment status of the release.

      • CHART: Name and version of the Helm chart used.

      • APP VERSION: Application version deployed.

  3. Interpreting the Output:

    • The output provides insights into the deployed releases, including their status, versions, and timestamps.

    • Users can easily identify deployed releases and their relevant information for management and troubleshooting.

  4. Filtering Deployed Releases: Users can filter the output of helm list by specifying options such as --namespace to filter by namespace or --all-namespaces to list releases across all namespaces.


     $ helm list --namespace my-namespace


     NAME            NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART                   APP VERSION
     my-release      my-namespace    1               2022-01-24 10:00:00.000000000 +0000 UTC deployed        nginx-1.0.0             1.16.0
    • The output lists deployed releases only within the specified namespace (my-namespace).


The helm list command is an essential tool for managing deployed releases on Kubernetes clusters. By understanding how to use the helm list command and interpreting its output, users can obtain valuable insights into deployed releases, facilitating effective management and troubleshooting in Helm environments. This command is a valuable part of the Helm toolkit for managing applications with ease and confidence.