Single Stage Pipeline as Code in Jenkins


3 min read

Single Stage Pipeline as Code in Jenkins

Introduction ๐Ÿš€

Jenkins Pipeline as Code allows developers to define their CI/CD pipelines using code, providing a flexible and scalable approach to automating software delivery workflows. In this article, we'll focus on creating a single-stage pipeline as code in Jenkins, demonstrating how to define and execute a simple pipeline using a Jenkinsfile.

Understanding Single-Stage Pipeline

A single-stage pipeline is the simplest form of Jenkins Pipeline, consisting of a single stage with one or more steps. Single-stage pipelines are ideal for basic build and deployment tasks, where a single stage encompasses the entire pipeline workflow.

Example Scenario: Gaming Leaderboard Update

Let's consider a scenario where we have a gaming application where players compete to achieve high scores. We want to create a single-stage pipeline to update the gaming leaderboard whenever a new high score is achieved.

Writing a Jenkinsfile for Single-Stage Pipeline

To define a single-stage pipeline as code, create a Jenkinsfile in the root directory of your project repository with the following content:

pipeline {
    agent any

    stages {
        stage('Update Leaderboard') {
            steps {
                echo 'Checking for new high scores...'
                // Logic to check for new high scores
                // If a new high score is achieved, update the leaderboard
                echo 'Congratulations! You have won the game!'

Explanation of Jenkinsfile

  • pipeline: The pipeline block defines the entire pipeline.

  • agent any: Specifies that the pipeline can run on any available agent.

  • stages: The stages block defines individual stages within the pipeline.

  • stage('Update Leaderboard'): Defines a stage named "Update Leaderboard".

  • steps: The steps block contains the steps to be executed within the stage.

  • echo 'Checking for new high scores...': Prints a message indicating the start of the stage.

  • echo 'Congratulations! You have won the game!': Prints a message indicating that the player has won the game.

Executing Single-Stage Pipeline

To execute the single-stage pipeline, follow these steps:

  • Create Pipeline Job: In Jenkins, create a new Pipeline job and configure it to use the Jenkinsfile stored in your project repository.

Write the above Declarative Pipeline in the Pipeline

Click and Save.

  • Run Pipeline: Trigger the pipeline job in Jenkins, and it will execute the steps defined in the Jenkinsfile. If a new high score is achieved, the pipeline will print the message "Congratulations! You have won the game!"

After Building the Job.

Click on the "Logs". You can see the same message as you have mentioned in the Pipeline.

Benefits of Single-Stage Pipeline as Code

  • Simplicity: Single-stage pipelines are simple and easy to understand, making them ideal for basic tasks such as updating gaming leaderboards.

  • Repeatability: Pipeline as code ensures that the pipeline execution is repeatable and consistent across environments.

  • Automation: By defining the pipeline as code, you can automate the process of updating the gaming leaderboard, reducing manual intervention and errors.

Conclusion ๐ŸŒŸ

Single-stage pipelines as code in Jenkins offer a straightforward and efficient approach to automating tasks such as updating gaming leaderboards. By defining the pipeline logic in a Jenkinsfile, developers can ensure repeatability, consistency, and automation in their workflows. Single-stage pipelines are suitable for simple tasks in various domains, providing a foundation for more complex pipelines as project requirements evolve. By leveraging Jenkins Pipeline as Code, teams can streamline their processes, automate repetitive tasks, and improve overall productivity.
