Terraform get Command: Fetching Modules and Providers


2 min read

Terraform get Command: Fetching Modules and Providers


In the orchestration symphony of Terraform, the terraform get command takes center stage, harmonizing the fetching of modules and providers. This guide delves into the intricacies of terraform get, illuminating the processes it initiates to ensure your Terraform configuration is well-equipped with the necessary modules and providers. An example scenario will guide us through the fetching journey, showcasing its impact on Terraform configurations.

1. Terraform get: The Maestro of Module and Provider Retrieval

Terraform configurations often rely on external modules and providers, and the terraform get command is your virtuoso for fetching these dependencies. Whether it's modules from the Terraform Registry or custom providers, this command ensures that your orchestra has all the instruments it needs to perform seamlessly.

2. Example Scenario: Module and Provider Dependencies

Let's explore an example scenario where a Terraform configuration relies on external modules and providers. The goal is to utilize terraform get to fetch these dependencies and integrate them into the configuration.

2.1. Configuration with Dependencies:

Assume you have the following Terraform configuration (main.tf) that includes external modules and providers:

# main.tf

provider "aws" {
  region = "us-east-1"

module "example_module" {
  source = "terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws"
  version = "2.0.0"

3. Fetching Process: What Happens?

Executing terraform get triggers a series of processes to ensure the retrieval of modules and providers:

3.1. Module Source Resolution:

  • Terraform resolves the source location of modules specified in the configuration.

3.2. Module Retrieval:

  • The command fetches the specified module from the source, be it the Terraform Registry or a version control system.

3.3. Provider Installation:

  • If custom providers are used, the command installs the required providers, ensuring they are available for use.

3.4. Output:

  • The command provides feedback on the modules and providers successfully retrieved and installed.

4. Applying the Command:

To initiate the fetching process, execute the following command:

terraform get

5. Output of the Command:

Here's a hypothetical output of the terraform get command for our scenario:

- Downloading module "example_module" (terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws) 2.0.0...
- Downloading provider "registry.terraform.io/-/aws" (any version)...

6. Conclusion: Harmony in Dependency Retrieval

terraform get orchestrates the harmonious retrieval of modules and providers, ensuring your Terraform configuration is equipped with the necessary dependencies. By seamlessly integrating external components, this command paves the way for a cohesive and collaborative infrastructure orchestra.

May your Terraform configurations be rich with dependencies, and may terraform get be the conductor ensuring that your infrastructure symphony plays in perfect harmony! πŸŽΆπŸš€