Introducing helm push Command

Introducing helm push Command


Helm, the Kubernetes package manager, provides the helm push command to upload Helm charts to a chart repository. This command simplifies the process of sharing custom charts with teammates or making them available for public use. In this article, we'll explore the helm push command, its purpose, and how to use it effectively, accompanied by a practical example.

Understanding helm push Command: The helm push command allows users to upload Helm charts to a chart repository, making them accessible for installation by others. This feature streamlines the sharing and distribution of custom charts within teams or the broader Kubernetes community.

Uploading Helm Charts: Let's explore how to use the helm push command to upload a Helm chart to a chart repository.


$ helm push my-chart/ my-repo


Pushing my-chart-0.1.0.tgz to my-repo...

Interpreting the Output:

  • The output confirms the successful upload of the Helm chart my-chart-0.1.0.tgz to the chart repository named my-repo.

  • The chart is now available in the specified repository for installation by others.

Using Uploaded Helm Charts: Once uploaded to the chart repository, others can install the uploaded chart using the helm install command, specifying the repository where the chart is hosted.


The helm push command is a valuable tool for uploading Helm charts to chart repositories, simplifying the sharing and distribution of custom charts within teams or the broader Kubernetes community. By using this command, users can make their charts accessible for installation by others, enhancing collaboration and productivity in Kubernetes application management.