Loops in Ansible Playbooks

Loops in Ansible Playbooks


Loops in Ansible playbooks enable users to iterate over a list of items or a specified range and perform repetitive tasks. Ansible provides several loop constructs for implementing iteration within playbooks, including:

  1. With Items: The with_items loop allows tasks to be executed iteratively for each item in a list. For example:

       - name: Install packages
           name: "{{ item }}"
           state: present
           - apache2
           - nginx
           - mysql-server
  2. Loop: The loop keyword allows tasks to be executed iteratively for each item in a list or dictionary. It provides more flexibility than with_items and supports a wider range of use cases.

  3. Until: The until loop allows tasks to be executed repeatedly until a condition is met. It is typically used to implement retry logic for functions that may fail initially but eventually succeed.

Loops in Ansible playbooks simplify automation workflows by eliminating repetitive code and allowing tasks to be applied dynamically to multiple items or hosts.


Ansible playbooks are powerful tools for defining automation workflows, configuration management, and application deployments in a declarative and human-readable format. By understanding the structure of Ansible playbooks and mastering concepts such as tasks, handlers, variables, conditional execution, and loops, users can leverage the full potential of Ansible to streamline IT operations and drive efficiency in managing infrastructure environments.