Setting Up FluentBit in a Kubernetes Environment with Elasticsearch and Kibana for Production


In modern Kubernetes environments, log management is crucial for monitoring application health, troubleshooting issues, and ensuring security compliance. One of the most efficient logging stacks used for Kubernetes is the EFK stack (Elasticsearch, FluentBit, Kibana).

This guide provides a step-by-step approach to setting up FluentBit for log collection in a Kubernetes cluster, while deploying Elasticsearch and Kibana for centralized log storage and visualization in a production-ready environment.

Why Use FluentBit, Elasticsearch, and Kibana in Kubernetes?

1. FluentBit (Log Collector and Forwarder)

  • Lightweight and faster than Fluentd with low memory and CPU usage.

  • Collects logs from Kubernetes pods, services, and nodes.

  • Parses, filters, and forwards logs efficiently to Elasticsearch.

  • Built-in Kubernetes integration for auto-labeling and enrichment.

2. Elasticsearch (Log Storage and Search Engine)

  • A distributed and scalable search engine designed for efficient log storage.

  • Stores, indexes, and enables real-time querying of log data.

  • Elasticsearch runs as a StatefulSet in Kubernetes, ensuring data persistence.

3. Kibana (Visualization and Monitoring)

  • Provides an interactive web-based interface for searching and analyzing logs.

  • Helps teams create dashboards and monitor system health.

  • Simplifies log-based alerting and troubleshooting.


Before setting up FluentBit, Elasticsearch, and Kibana, ensure that:
✅ You have a Kubernetes cluster (AWS EKS, GKE, AKS, or a self-hosted cluster).
kubectl is installed and configured to interact with the cluster.
Helm is installed (for easier deployment of Elasticsearch and Kibana).
✅ You have sufficient CPU, memory, and storage resources.

Step 1: Deploy Elasticsearch in Kubernetes (Production Setup)

Elasticsearch requires persistent storage and proper resource allocation in production. We will use Helm to deploy it.

1. Add the Helm Repository

helm repo add elastic
helm repo update

2. Deploy Elasticsearch with Helm

helm install elasticsearch elastic/elasticsearch \
  --set replicas=3 \
  --set minimumMasterNodes=2 \
  --set persistence.enabled=true \
  --set resources.requests.cpu=1 \
  --set resources.requests.memory=2Gi

3. Verify Elasticsearch Deployment

kubectl get pods -l app=elasticsearch

4. Expose Elasticsearch (Optional for External Access)

kubectl port-forward svc/elasticsearch-master 9200:9200

Now, you can access Elasticsearch at http://localhost:9200.

Step 2: Deploy Kibana in Kubernetes

Kibana will connect to Elasticsearch to visualize logs.

1. Deploy Kibana Using Helm

helm install kibana elastic/kibana --set service.type=ClusterIP

2. Verify Kibana Deployment

kubectl get pods -l app=kibana

3. Expose Kibana UI (Port Forwarding for Testing)

kubectl port-forward svc/kibana-kibana 5601:5601

Now, you can access Kibana at http://localhost:5601.

Step 3: Deploy FluentBit as a DaemonSet in Kubernetes

FluentBit will run as a DaemonSet, ensuring that logs from all nodes in the cluster are collected and forwarded to Elasticsearch.

1. Create a FluentBit Configuration File

Create a ConfigMap for FluentBit configuration:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: fluentbit-config
  namespace: kube-system
  fluent-bit.conf: |
        Flush        5
        Log_Level    info

        Name              tail
        Path              /var/log/containers/*.log
        Tag               kube.*
        Parser            docker
        DB                /var/log/flb_kube.db

        Name             kubernetes
        Match            kube.*
        Kube_URL         https://kubernetes.default.svc:443
        Merge_Log        On

        Name  es
        Match *
        Host  elasticsearch-master
        Port  9200
        Index kubernetes-logs
        Type  _doc

2. Apply the ConfigMap to the Cluster

kubectl apply -f fluentbit-config.yaml

3. Deploy FluentBit DaemonSet

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
  name: fluentbit
  namespace: kube-system
      name: fluentbit
        name: fluentbit
      - name: fluentbit
        image: fluent/fluent-bit:latest
        - name: varlog
          mountPath: /var/log
        - name: config-volume
          mountPath: /fluent-bit/etc
      - name: varlog
          path: /var/log
      - name: config-volume
          name: fluentbit-config

4. Apply FluentBit DaemonSet to the Cluster

kubectl apply -f fluentbit-daemonset.yaml

5. Verify FluentBit Logs

kubectl logs -l name=fluentbit -n kube-system

If FluentBit is running correctly, it should show log data being forwarded to Elasticsearch.

Step 4: Visualizing Logs in Kibana

1. Access Kibana

If Kibana is not exposed externally, you can use port forwarding:

kubectl port-forward svc/kibana-kibana 5601:5601

Then, open localhost:5601 in your browser.

2. Configure Kibana to Read Logs from Elasticsearch

  1. In Kibana, navigate to Management → Stack Management → Index Patterns.

  2. Click Create Index Pattern and enter kubernetes-logs-*.

  3. Select the @timestamp field and save.

3. Explore Kubernetes Logs

  • Go to Discover in Kibana.

  • Filter logs using pod names, namespaces, or error messages.


By deploying FluentBit as a DaemonSet, Elasticsearch for storage, and Kibana for visualization, we achieve a scalable, centralized logging system for Kubernetes clusters.