In the ever-evolving landscape of Infrastructure as Code (IaC), the terraform test
command emerges as a guardian, ensuring the integrity of Terraform configurations. This guide delves into the purpose and functionality of the terraform test
command, illustrating its usage through a descriptive example.
1. Terraform Test: Guarding Configuration Integrity
The terraform test
command is designed to execute tests defined in Terraform modules. These tests serve as a critical component in the continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipeline, validating that Terraform configurations conform to expected behavior and constraints.
Example Scenario: AWS S3 Bucket Module
Consider a Terraform module responsible for provisioning an AWS S3 bucket:
# s3_bucket/
variable "bucket_name" {
type = string
description = "The name of the S3 bucket"
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "example" {
bucket = var.bucket_name
acl = "private"
To complement this module, a set of tests is defined to ensure its correctness:
# tests/
module "s3_bucket" {
source = "../s3_bucket"
bucket_name = "test-bucket"
# Test: Ensure the bucket ACL is private
test "acl_should_be_private" {
condition = module.s3_bucket.example.acl == "private"
failure_message = "Bucket ACL is not set to private."
2. Terraform Test Command: Executing Tests
Running the terraform test
command executes the defined tests within the module, providing feedback on whether the configurations meet the specified criteria.
terraform test
[INFO] Terraform Test v0.1.0
[INFO] Running tests
[INFO] Test: acl_should_be_private
[INFO] - Condition: module.s3_bucket.example.acl == "private"
[INFO] Passed
[INFO] Tests complete. 1 passed, 0 failed, 0 errored.
3. Impact: Validating Configuration Compliance
The primary impact of the terraform test
command is to validate whether the defined tests within the module pass or fail. In the example scenario, the test ensures that the ACL of the S3 bucket is set to private. If all tests pass, it indicates that the Terraform configurations align with the expected behavior.
Conclusion: Enforcing Code Reliability with Tests
The terraform test
command plays a pivotal role in maintaining the reliability and correctness of Terraform configurations. By defining and executing tests, developers can ensure that infrastructure code meets specified criteria, contributing to a robust CI/CD process.
May your Terraform configurations remain steadfast in their integrity through the vigilance of terraform test
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