Understanding Global and Local Variables in Jenkins


3 min read

Understanding Global and Local Variables in Jenkins

Introduction ๐Ÿš€

Variables in Jenkins are placeholders used to store and manipulate data within pipelines and jobs. They come in various types, each with its own scope and usage. In this article, we'll focus on understanding global and local variables in Jenkins, along with examples to illustrate their usage.

Global Variables

Global variables in Jenkins are accessible from anywhere within the Jenkins instance. They are typically defined in Jenkins global configuration or using Jenkins Shared Libraries. These variables can hold any data value and are commonly used for storing configurations, shared resources, or custom functions.

Example: Defining a Global Variable in Jenkins Configuration

Suppose we define a global variable called NOTIFICATION_EMAIL in Jenkins global configuration to store the email address used for build notifications.

def NOTIFICATION_EMAIL = "example@example.com"

Usage in Pipeline:

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Build') {
            steps {
                // Send email notification to the predefined email address
                emailext to: "${NOTIFICATION_EMAIL}",
                        subject: "Build Notification",
                        body: "The build is complete."

In this example, NOTIFICATION_EMAIL is a global variable that is predefined in Jenkins global configuration. It stores the email address to which build notifications will be sent and can be accessed from any pipeline or job within the Jenkins instance.

Local Variables

Local variables in Jenkins are defined within a specific context, such as within a stage or block of a Jenkins pipeline. These variables have limited scope and are accessible only within the context in which they are defined.

Example: Defining a Local Variable in a Jenkins Pipeline

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Example') {
            steps {
                // Define local variable within the stage
                def localVariable = 'Local Jenkins Variable'
                echo "${localVariable}"

In this example, localVariable is a local variable defined within the stage('Example') block of the pipeline. It holds the value 'Local Jenkins Variable' and is accessible only within this specific stage of the pipeline.

Usage of Variables in Jenkins

Variables in Jenkins are commonly used for various purposes, including:

  • Customizing Build Behavior: Variables can be used to customize the behavior of build jobs based on conditions such as branch names, build parameters, or environment variables.

  • Storing Credentials: Variables can store credentials securely using Jenkins Credentials Plugin, allowing for secure access to sensitive information such as API keys, passwords, or SSH keys.

  • Defining Paths and File Locations: Variables are useful for defining file paths and locations within pipelines, allowing for dynamic file manipulation and access during build and deployment tasks.

  • Parameterizing Pipelines: Variables can be used to parameterize Jenkins pipelines, enabling users to input values dynamically during pipeline execution, enhancing flexibility and reusability.

Best Practices for Using Variables in Jenkins

  1. Use Descriptive Names: Use meaningful and descriptive names for variables to improve the readability and maintainability of pipeline scripts.

  2. Avoid Hardcoding Values: Instead of hardcoding values directly into pipeline scripts, use variables to make scripts more flexible and reusable.

  3. Scope Variables Appropriately: Be mindful of variable scope to ensure variables are accessible where needed within pipelines and jobs.

  4. Secure Sensitive Information: Use Jenkins Credentials Plugin or other secure methods to manage and store sensitive information such as passwords or API keys.

Conclusion ๐ŸŒŸ

Understanding the difference between global and local variables in Jenkins is crucial for effective pipeline scripting and automation. Global variables provide a way to store and share data across the entire Jenkins instance, while local variables offer a more scoped approach for temporary data storage within specific pipeline contexts. By leveraging both types of variables appropriately, users can build robust and efficient automation workflows in Jenkins.
