Understanding Helm Chart Dependencies: Subcharts, External Dependencies, and Versioning

Understanding Helm Chart Dependencies: Subcharts, External Dependencies, and Versioning


In the world of Kubernetes and Helm, managing complex application deployments can be a daunting task. Helm, the package manager for Kubernetes, simplifies this process by allowing users to define, install, and upgrade applications through packages called Helm charts. Helm charts are YAML files that describe a set of Kubernetes resources needed to run an application.

One of the key features of Helm charts is their ability to handle dependencies. In this article, we'll delve into the different types of dependencies in Helm charts—subcharts, external dependencies, and versioning—and explore how they work with examples.


Subcharts are Helm charts that are packaged within another Helm chart. They allow for modularizing complex applications into smaller, reusable components. Subcharts are stored in the charts/ directory within the main Helm chart directory.

Let's consider an example where we have a main Helm chart for a microservices-based application that consists of several individual services, each requiring its own Helm chart. Instead of managing each service's Helm chart separately, we can package them as subcharts within the main Helm chart.

Here's a simplified directory structure of the main Helm chart:


In the myapp/ directory, we have the main Helm chart along with subcharts for each service under the charts/ directory.

To include a subchart dependency in the Chart.yaml of the main chart, you specify the subchart's name, version, and optionally, its repository:

  - name: service1
    version: 1.0.0
    repository: "file://charts/service1"
  - name: service2
    version: 2.1.0
    repository: "file://charts/service2"

External Dependencies

External dependencies are Helm charts that are not included in the same repository as the main Helm chart. Instead, they are fetched from remote repositories such as Helm Hub, Git, or any custom Helm repository.

To declare an external dependency in the Chart.yaml file, you specify the chart's name, version, and repository URL:

  - name: mongodb
    version: 10.4.3
    repository: "https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami"

When you install or upgrade the main Helm chart, Helm fetches and installs the external dependencies from their respective repositories.


Versioning is crucial for managing dependencies in Helm charts to ensure consistency and reproducibility across deployments. Helm allows you to specify version constraints for dependencies to control which versions are allowed.

There are several ways to specify version constraints:

  • Exact Version: 1.2.3

  • Version Range: >=1.2.0 <2.0.0

  • SemVer Range: ^1.2.0 (compatible with version 1.x.x)

  • Wildcard: * (matches any version)

For example, to specify a version constraint in Chart.yaml:

  - name: redis
    version: ~5.0.0
    repository: "https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami"

This constraint allows any version in the 5.x.x range but prevents installations of versions outside that range.


Let's consider a practical example of a Helm chart for a microservices-based application. We have a main chart called myapp, which depends on two subcharts: service1 and service2. Additionally, myapp has an external dependency on a MongoDB chart from the Bitnami repository.

Here's how the Chart.yaml file for myapp would look:

apiVersion: v2
name: myapp
version: 1.0.0
description: A Helm chart for my microservices-based application

  - name: service1
    version: "1.0.0"
    repository: "file://charts/service1"
  - name: service2
    version: "2.1.0"
    repository: "file://charts/service2"
  - name: mongodb
    version: "10.4.3"
    repository: "https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami"

In this example, myapp depends on service1 and service2 as subcharts located in the charts/ directory relative to the main chart. It also has an external dependency on the MongoDB chart from the Bitnami repository.


Mastering Helm chart dependencies is a crucial skill for Kubernetes administrators and developers. By understanding subcharts, external dependencies, and versioning, teams can efficiently manage complex application deployments in Kubernetes environments. Helm's dependency management features enable modularization, and consistency across environments, and facilitate collaboration through reusable Helm charts. With proper utilization of Helm's capabilities, teams can build scalable, maintainable, and reliable Kubernetes deployments with ease.